Wednesday 26 January 2011

Stimulate the Senses...taken from The Cool Hunter

I love the latter of the images, as it combines a modern model within a traditional style, I am not sure whether the model has been maniupulated into an old photograph or whether the model has been photographed in the clothing and the hair has been illustrated into the image...a disadvantage to the image, for me, is the drawing of the hair and its style. I wouldn't take inspiration from this part at all. However, I do think the beading on the model's face is beautiful, I guess they have taken inspiration from masquerade masks or traditional netting from a hair piece.
The doll is an alternative take on having a human model within fashion photography...there is an opportunity to not have a model but focus on props instead.
Finally, the top image, is a bike store in Germany, in which the store is focused on the exterior wal of a building instead of a typical store layout within a building. This is another alternative to product placement and advertising, however could be seen as not being 'fashion photography'...

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