Tuesday 22 March 2011

inspirational quote...

In one of our weekly seminars fro PH2011, we were given two essays to read from "The Child in the City" by Colin Ward.

"The aim of education is to help people learn how to understand, control and ultimately, change their environment. But the education system... is geared to precisely the opposite end: i.e. pupils are taught that the world is extremely difficult to understand; that only a privileged few can reach such an understanding; that these few have the right to control the activities of all the rest; and that, far from trying to change their environment, the vast majority of people should try and fit happily with the situation as it is." Albert Hunt, Chapter 16, The City as a Resource.

It could be said that people are taught the same things at the same age so they are on a levelling basis, exams taken at the same time are then to unpick this levelling and see those who are brighter than others... the education system is supposed to be fair... in a inverse way. Would we be able to show this cycle someway, using photography? An interesting concept to think about...

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