Thursday 31 March 2011

Location Ideas 2

So, after our tutorial with Jon, a new inspiration of using a modern, working factory as our location has become are some visual examples of what I am thinking...

These cylindrical canisters offer a streamlined look which could complement a structured, constructed outfit. The metal surfaces are also good for catching the light, giving a polished aesthetic. I could imagine this as a background, slightly blurred by a short depth of field, with a model stood in the foreground, wearing a blazer and wet look leggings, or something similar.

This image above demonstrates to me the mundanity of the everyday and the idea of a conveyor belt process of this gentleman's job. Again, the metal surfaces reflect the light well and give the whole image a feel of modernity.

Below, the two different levels/floors within this image could be interesting to shoot. With the model photographed on the highest level and maybe even manipulated so she was standing on the ground floor too could be interesting if the post production was done well enough. The linear effect of the ceiling/roof and the strip roof lights would all emphasise the structured lines within the slothing and styling being worn by the model also.

This image is showing a traditional, non-working factory, however, Stephanie has found this image and I feel it shows exactly the look that I envisgae for this project. The model standing in the foreground, posed, with an edgy, futuristic haircut - blonde also stands out from the background, with natural lighting coming in from high windows and almost like a mist forming which is the dust in the air cacthing the light. The blue tone also adds a cold, negative feel to the image implaying that the model is fed up, depressed with her situation to the viewer, which is what we want to portray in our latter images of the spectrum. I would love to replicate something like this but in a modern factory!!

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