Thursday 31 March 2011


Okay, so I booked a tutorial for us to speak to Jon Purcell about our concept, Myself and Stephanie were able to make this, Fay has given her apologies as she is not well. Basically this tutorial was to run the ideas past Jon and see what his thoughts were, to see if were are on the right lines and that we have developed our ideas enough.

He has given us some helpful and constructive feedback in which we have taken away and will work from.

Some of the points taken:

  • the use of an abandoned factory/building may give a different message to the viewer than that intended, i.e. abandoned is linked with nostalgia and history whereas we are looking at the modern pressures and structure within daily contemporary life on an adult and how the pressure may be greater in the present day than it was say three/four decades ago...
  • the use of a modern factory - clinical, streamlined, lots of metal, stainless steel surfaces, minimalist structure, white space - all emphasises the modern, robotic and polished styling aesthetic that the stylists are thinking of pursuing.
  • the spectrum of starting off with a youthful, child like, relaxed and carefree aesthetic to moving into a restricted, confined, robotic being, fixed by 9-5 work days and structure -over the 8 images/editorial pages - needs to be succinct and endlessly planned to create a seamless succession. This is a major priority and challenge within the image making - the styling and lighting need to be planned extremely well to make the images blend but also stand out from one another successfully. An idea that Stephanie has had is to start off with the model wearing minimal clothing (not nude!) but limited fabric/covering and then each image after this another garment/layer/material is added, this repeated over the images towards the end will represent a person being constructed, growing up, building their outer shell, becoming adults, almost like a robotic armour being built....I love this idea and feel it would help the spectrum to be shown much more effectively within the images.
We also need a group meeting as soon as possible! To bring all of our ideas together and discuss them as I feel we all may have slightly different variations on what we are thinking the end result will look like, the styling, the make-up and hair (and who will be doing this), locations etc... so I ahve booked a Study Pod in the library fro next Monday (4th April) to try to get all this sorted. We will hopefully leave afterwards with clear directions of what is going to happen, when and where...

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