Monday 28 February 2011

Gallery View of Final Images

So this is how the final images look together...

Stephanie experimented with different layouts and orders of the photographs for example, the direction of the model looking at the camera... but she decided on the layout above, which is taking the colour temperature of the backgrounds from cold to warm, in the sense of the rainbow.

As I said in an earlier post, I am really pleased with the final images and believe the post production work was definately needed to make the most of the photographs that we took.

'It's a wrap!'

Post Production

Personally, I am not very experienced with Photoshop and do not usually venture far from the airbrushing of models, removing blemishes, altering highlights/shadows, the colour and contrast of the image; so when we had these elaborate ideas of going 'all out' and very experimental with the post production work it was a little worrying!

Stephanie has taken on the realm of the photo manipulation work and has used her skills to full advantage! I, as the other photographer, have liaised with her often on the plans for each photograph and discussed our ideas and Steph has regularly kept in touch with Fay and Sophie to show drafts and discusss options for experimentation via social networking.

To improve my own post production skills, I have done a couple of tutorials. This style of learning does not suit me, being a visual learner I focus much better if someone is actually showing me how to do something...but I guess it is all experience and creating a bigger skills base.

I am now going to post the contact sheets of the photographs that we took of each model...

Sunday 27 February 2011

Final Pieces!!

Kasia (photographed by me)

Sarah (photographed by Stephanie)

Adriana (photographed by me)

Jen (photographed by Stephanie)

Cat (photographed by me)

So....these are our final 5 images for the submission!!

I am really pleased with the final outcomes!! The other group members appear to be happy with them too, which is great. Similarly to Stephanie, I did not think my photographs that I took at the photoshoot were that good, on reflection, the images were merely a basis in which to apply lots of post production work. Looking at the original images taken, they were really in need of a creative boost to enhance the hair and make-up styling that had been applied to each model by Jade.

Also, the outcomes have developed slightly differently to what we expected I think. As originally, the way we were venturing with our plans was to have each photograph noticeable of which historical century it was reprsenting, however we have naturally ventured away from this as it was mutually decided that we go for a contemporary/futuristic aesthetic for the photo manipulation work...

This is when we decided that we could take one aspect of colour from each model's photographed to use within their background. We feel the colours chosen, either match their photographic aesthetic and/or the model's personality. For example, Jennifer's graceful personality has been complemented with a rich bronze tone, whereas, Cat's image has taken on the strong pink/red colour from the heart shape applied to her lips...

Generally, I am really pleased with the final images! I am proud of what we have achieved in just a few weeks and from this, I am very much looking forward to the next assignment!

Final Images...






Okay, so these are the final 5 images that have been chosen for the post production work!!

When we had discussed the post production ideas and chosen the 'shortlist' images, we had not decided (by the end of the meeting) what photoshop techniques or exact aesthetic that we were going to apply to the images.

Therefore, when Stephanie had experimented with some of them she felt that the images were not working to their best advantage. She felt as we had 5 different models, they would appear together as a set better if they were all looking in the same direction and the same distance away from the camera so they are all equidistant when viewed in a a gallery format.

Another factor that we felt was important was the ange and the bone structure of the model being seen from the viewer. As typical beauty shots obviously aim to show the best features of the face, we felt some of our models had lovely cheekbones, in particular Jennifer, and these needed to be enhanced byu theiur pose being seen by the viewer.

So, Stephanie took all this into account when planning the post production work and spent a large amount of time making sure the right shots were being worked with, which is a difficult task in itself as you have the pressure of choosing and working on the images, making sure your time is going to be well spent and managed without regretting choosing another image...but I personally think she did a great job and definately chose the right images for each model.

Final Image choices...




















These are the 'shortlisted' images of each model...

So, myself, Stephanie and Fay met up to choose the final images that we would experiment with post production work and we would then choose from again for our final 5 photographs for the submission...

Aesthetically, we believe these are the best shots of each model. They have a selection of directions in which they are looking, to and away from the camera and a variety of angles.

Contact Sheets of photographs taken - Stephanie's images

So, these are the photographs that Stephanie took of each model at the shoot...

Contact Sheets of photographs taken - My images

After first displaying my photographs of each model and then Stephanie's photographs of the same model I have changed my method. I felt it was a bit complicated to view. So, I have decided to post all the contact sheets of my images that I captured and then on the next post I will show Stephanie's contact looks better this way!

So, my contact sheets...

Click on the images to see a larger version!

Friday 25 February 2011

What is currently happening...

I am finalising my evaluation whilst liasing with Stephanie who is doing the post-production work whilst keeping us all informed on what she's doing and her progress...

We have seen Jen's final image - really pleased with the outcome!!

Just the post-production to be finished and we can put the images onto the CDs ready for submission on Monday, plus making CDs of images for each of the models and Jade (hair and make-up stylist).

Also, collectively need to do some prints for Josh Cryne a second year fashion student who lent us the contemporary ruff which he has made as part of his coursework, he wants a couple of prints to put in his portfolio.

After the submission, I am going to meet up with Jade so she can select the images and prints that she wants for her portfolio, I am guessing she will want a mixture of the final images of the models, some of the best shots of the styling and some 'backstage' shots showing her whilst applying the models' make-up and styling their hair...

Monday 21 February 2011

Change of target publication

After looking at our chosen images in which to manipulate with our post production ideas... we have thought about changing the publication in which our images would most likely fit into and be seen in.

As our images are going to more graphically influenced after our post-production work... we are changing our ideas of Vogue being the target publication to something more fitting, for example, Dazed and Confused and NYLON magazines and even journals such as Creative Review and Viewpoint. These publications all share a similar aesthetic of showing alternative fashion and unusual contrasts and we believe they would/will be more suited to our images.