Friday 25 February 2011

What is currently happening...

I am finalising my evaluation whilst liasing with Stephanie who is doing the post-production work whilst keeping us all informed on what she's doing and her progress...

We have seen Jen's final image - really pleased with the outcome!!

Just the post-production to be finished and we can put the images onto the CDs ready for submission on Monday, plus making CDs of images for each of the models and Jade (hair and make-up stylist).

Also, collectively need to do some prints for Josh Cryne a second year fashion student who lent us the contemporary ruff which he has made as part of his coursework, he wants a couple of prints to put in his portfolio.

After the submission, I am going to meet up with Jade so she can select the images and prints that she wants for her portfolio, I am guessing she will want a mixture of the final images of the models, some of the best shots of the styling and some 'backstage' shots showing her whilst applying the models' make-up and styling their hair...

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