Wednesday 9 February 2011

Things needing to be finalised...

  1. Models (1 more to get, plus back-ups to cover any illnesses/no-shows, going to post flyers and hand out contact cards around campus tomorrow!)
  2. Time periods - particular accesories we need to get and/or make...
  3. Matching each model to a certain time period, so we can tell each one the look we are after, they can then apply basic make-up and prepare hair for Jade to then creatively add to, enhance certain aspects, this will save time!
  4. Pose - partly inspired by paintings below, idea: can make the poses more contemporary throughout the decades, so 14th Century will be very traditional portraiture and then 18th Century may have a more modern pose, almost glamourous magazine style...?
  5. Lighting - spotlight? backlighting? harsh? soft? gels have been booked for shoot to experiment with reds, golds, purples...regal colours!

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