Friday 18 February 2011

Plans for Post-Production!

So, now that the shoot is completed...we need to sort our post production work out!

Our plans are to meet as a group on Monday 18th February at 1pm in the library. We have decided to hold a group meeting on this day as we can have a breather after the shoot, all have chance to look over the images taken, think about some ideas, gather visual inspiration from magazines, journals, similar publications, the internet, blogs and possibly forums so we can bring tear outs, brainstorms and post ideas onto blogs.

I have just emailed Fay, Steph and Sophie to suggest that we all meet up on this date and time and I am now awaiting feedback from them :)

The idea is that we meet up, select our 5 final images, gather inspiration and ideas and each person then has the final 5 images to edit in their own way, keeping up communications between us throughout the editing process and we will then get together and create our CD for the submission.

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