Sunday 6 February 2011

findings when first looked in fashion journals at group meeting...

These are some photographs that I took on my mobile phone whilst in the library just as snapshot inspiration really. Obviously, if we plan to take more inspiration from these images then I shall root out the magazines and images again and take better shots! But for initial reference...

I love the idea of lace over the models's face taking reference from Erwin Blumenfeld's work as I think it adds a delicacy to the image, almost making it textural and three-dimensional and makes me, as the viewer, want to touch the image.

Another interesting look is the use of polka dots projected onto the model and background, or surrounding studio environment anyway. This theme shows that the lighting/pattern is the main focud of the shoot, no clothing or accesories are needed for the images to be engaging and beautiful. My love of abstract patterns drove me to be interested in this shoot, I can imagine some people not making much of this theme as it contains hardly any styling and solely one pattern projected onto naked models. I think if the viewer likes the content or not though, the lighting style should be admired as it is effective and quite striking.

I added the other two images for composition inspirtation. The jagged edges, slashes cut through to create slices, different elements shown in different places...this could be a very interesting and a modern/futuristic approach to fashion photography, possibly relating to technology and how it is or is going to effect how and where we see fashion photography and styling in the future...??

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