Saturday 12 February 2011

Poses for the images

I am going to post a selection of poses which I think will be succesful within our photographs, some of these will be influenced from traditional painting to accentuate the historic influence we are rooting from as well as more contemporary beauty shot portraiture to give a more modern edge to the historical referencing...

This straight on pose is visually engaging, due to the model's large bright eyes and the serious expression on her face. The lace in the foreground of the image will hopefully also be used within our images, however in a more contemporary way.

I believe these side on portraits are effective in catching the attention of the viewer and making the viewer question what the model is looking at, thinking about, paying their attention on... the use of the flower in the image above is quite interesting...may experiment with this in our photographs!

This image above is a nice, contemporary portrait. This is amount of decolletage that I think will be appropriate within our images, with most of the models hair pinned back and up on their heads, the shoulders will be bare, allowing for delicate and intricate, authentic looking jewellery or interesting shawls and fabrics.

This painting showing the sitter's body p0inting ahead with the model's head turned to the side could be an interesting way to direct a couple of model's to pose. It depends on the styling off the accessories, make-up and hair in terms of which models can do which poses...

I like how the model in this Vogue Cover is captured off centre. I think this makes for an eye-catching composition and is a modern take oh traditional painting poses of sitters. I would like to experiment with a couple of models being captured off centre and see what the results look like...whether it suits our style of shoot...

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