Monday 28 February 2011

Post Production

Personally, I am not very experienced with Photoshop and do not usually venture far from the airbrushing of models, removing blemishes, altering highlights/shadows, the colour and contrast of the image; so when we had these elaborate ideas of going 'all out' and very experimental with the post production work it was a little worrying!

Stephanie has taken on the realm of the photo manipulation work and has used her skills to full advantage! I, as the other photographer, have liaised with her often on the plans for each photograph and discussed our ideas and Steph has regularly kept in touch with Fay and Sophie to show drafts and discusss options for experimentation via social networking.

To improve my own post production skills, I have done a couple of tutorials. This style of learning does not suit me, being a visual learner I focus much better if someone is actually showing me how to do something...but I guess it is all experience and creating a bigger skills base.

I am now going to post the contact sheets of the photographs that we took of each model...

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