Sunday 6 February 2011


Only intial... but combining my early idea of having traditional dress and hair and furturistic make-up,with Fay's idea of using historial figures/ Tudors, Stewarts, Georgians, Elizabethans, Victorians, etc so the model could have period dress (or portrayal of this!) from the shoulders upwards with the hair ebing influenced by the historical period with darping fabric along the nexkline, a brooch, necklace, hairpiece etc. This alongside really modern/contemporary or even mega-futuristic make-up such as huge long false eyelashes, strong abstract make-up or soft subtly futuristic metallic colours...even ideas such as bizarre shapes of bubble wrap could be attached to a section of the face or tin foil wrapped in interesting ways, bringing in rorigami from an earlier post...

will hopefuly make for a bizarre but engaging concept!!

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