Tuesday 8 February 2011

some notes on british history idea...

As we are producing 5 different photographs...the idea we have is to focus on 5 different time periods within our history. Ideally, we will have 5 different models, 1 each to reference each time period and to completely define 5 different looks.

So the 5 different time periods, will be the 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th centuries...

We will just finish short before the Victorian period, as this ran from 1837-1901.

So, if I am correct in thinking, the periods we are looking at are Tudor, Elizabethan, Stewart, Jacobean and Georgian...need to check this!

Tudor period is obviously well-known for Henry VIII and his 6 wives.
Stewarts were important due to the Scottish King's (James?) influence on England
and I believe the Georgian period was known for being a long reign.

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