Sunday 27 February 2011

Final Pieces!!

Kasia (photographed by me)

Sarah (photographed by Stephanie)

Adriana (photographed by me)

Jen (photographed by Stephanie)

Cat (photographed by me)

So....these are our final 5 images for the submission!!

I am really pleased with the final outcomes!! The other group members appear to be happy with them too, which is great. Similarly to Stephanie, I did not think my photographs that I took at the photoshoot were that good, on reflection, the images were merely a basis in which to apply lots of post production work. Looking at the original images taken, they were really in need of a creative boost to enhance the hair and make-up styling that had been applied to each model by Jade.

Also, the outcomes have developed slightly differently to what we expected I think. As originally, the way we were venturing with our plans was to have each photograph noticeable of which historical century it was reprsenting, however we have naturally ventured away from this as it was mutually decided that we go for a contemporary/futuristic aesthetic for the photo manipulation work...

This is when we decided that we could take one aspect of colour from each model's photographed to use within their background. We feel the colours chosen, either match their photographic aesthetic and/or the model's personality. For example, Jennifer's graceful personality has been complemented with a rich bronze tone, whereas, Cat's image has taken on the strong pink/red colour from the heart shape applied to her lips...

Generally, I am really pleased with the final images! I am proud of what we have achieved in just a few weeks and from this, I am very much looking forward to the next assignment!

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