Wednesday 13 April 2011

Actual photoshoot

I had booked our studio (Digital studio, ME246) from 11am till 5pm on Wednesday 13th April.

Stephanie had kindly been to collect the camera (Canon 5D Mark I) at around 10am, which she had booked the week before. Stephanie had also purchased a radio trigger for this shoot and her future work and this worked well throughout the day.

So, just before 11am, Myself and Stephanie went to the studio to start organising and setting up the white background and the lighting positions. During this time, Fay and Sophie met our model, Paola and brought her up to the Studio and shortly after this started laying out the outfits and styling options they had chosen for Paola and also started on doing her make-up.

Myself and Stephanie were sorting the lighting and metering to try to get the effects we wanted. However, technically this was still proving difficult and was made worse by the camera (Mark I) only working intermittently. Various technical issues arose which was putting pressure on the timings created for the various outfit and make-up changes needing to be applied to the model by the stylists.

Chris Horgan offered his assistance for our shoot and he arrived shortly afterwards. Due to the camera (Mark I) still not working properly, we decided to use Chris's Mark II to photograph the shoot instead. Subsequently, we tried the Mark I after a while and it worked just as it should do, so this was peculiar!

After the technical problems which arose in the first hour, we started shooting the first outfit about 12.15pm and followed by all the other outfits, we finished around 4.30pm giving us enough time to tidy and prepare the studio for the next people to use it.

Throughout the shoot, Myself and Stephanie took it in turns to photograph the model, not using particular cards (which we did in our first project for this module) as it made the process more complicated that it needed to be and our shots are very similar in their aesthetic. Myself and Stephanie both have CF cards and Card Readers so we uploaded our images, after we shot each outfit, onto our laptops. This ensured we both had the same images (apart from a few from Outfit 8 which I have just emailed to all the other 3 group members now) and that we could look at the images while we were in the studio. The latter point proved important as in the second or thiurd outfit chnage we looked at the focus in some of the images and feelt the clarity was not strong enough so we shot a few more images while we had the model in the right clothing and within the ssame lighting!

Overall, I feel the day went okay. I felt more pressured during this shoot than our last practical project (in which we had 5 models and a make-up artist to think about!) and this was due to not being too confident with the lighting we were going for, particularly after the camera and lighting issues in the first hour. I think this early hiccup put me off the rest of the shoot!

Looking back at the images, I feel the styling is strong and has the aesthetic that the stylists were wanting, which is great, but technically I feel some images could have been improved. Re-shooting is not an option due to the model and stylists being unavailable and also, a re-shoot is probably not necessary, as with all photoshoots it is the negative points you remember and you need to leave the images a couple of days and return to them with a fresher and critical mindset. After a bit of reflection, as a group we will communicate to choose our most favoured images, discuss the editing and then the layout/graphic design options. Due to the Easter break we will have a fairly quick turnaround in the selection, editing and layout to ensure the prints are ordered in enough time with consideration to the postal/mail disruptance over the various bank holidays before our project submission.

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