Thursday 7 April 2011

Make-Up Plan B...

I have been in contact with Jade (the make-up artist we used in the last photoshoot) and she is unavailable to help us for this current shoot due to her own college commitments. It is a great shame, but we will find another solution.

I spoke to the group via our own Facebook group page about the possibility of contacting other make-up artists or even using other methods that have been used in the past, such as speaking to the make-up counters in department stores, say Debenhams and arrange for them to do the make-up on our model before the shoot or contacting Tony & Guy Hairdressers similarly. However, it has been decided that due to the shoot being fairly natural and polished, nothing too OTT, Fay and Sophie are going to do the hair and make-up themselves. They are happy with doing this and feel confident about the task. They are going to meet with a friend of theirs to arrange the outfits and try out the chosen hair and make-up styles in order to practise before the actual shoot.

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