Monday 18 April 2011

Current Update!

The day after the photoshoot (Thursday 14th April), we had our Interim Crit within the PH2011 seminar class. Each group presented their developments, ideas, inspirations, blogs and in some cases, their test shoots and photographs.

We presented our group findings and ideas to the class and found this worthwile as we gained a response and some comments that we had not personally thought about.

Having done our photoshoot the previous day, due to the Easter break, we did not have our final photographs ready to show the class but we showed our test shoots, the lighting experiments and our points of inspiration from both the styling and photographic perspectives.

Our inital thoughts were to having a 'spectrum' throughout the images portraying the growth and changes from childhood to adulthood, in terms of creativity and the effect education has on a person through these years.

The lighting and outfits do not particularly reflect a tight and seamless spectrum and on reflection this may have been a little boring. Instead, our images show the changes in outfit from abstract patterns and colour pallette mixing through to minimalism and more textural and structured shapes. Adding to this, the lighting is varying throughout giving a nice aesthetic. However, due to some images likely to be cropped to show certain lines, textures and accesories the sspotlight effect is likely to not be seen on a few of the images. The varying shadows and gradients are nice though, giving an attractive variety throughout an editorial.

We are currently choosing the images that we want to use and as we all seem to have the same ideas for what we want we have all chosen the same, if not very similar, images, which has made the process easier than expected!

During this selection, Stephanie and Myself are solely doing some editing on Photoshop and consulting back with each other and Fay and Sophie.

Once the final images have been selected for definite we will go ahead with all the editing and consult Fay and Sophie with the layout ideas. We are all gathering inspiration for creative layouts which we think will work well with the aesthetic of our images and the target market of the typical publication they could be seen in, for example, Elle/Vogue, or something a little edgier, like POP or LOVE magazines.

I am travelling up to Preston tomorrow (Tuesday 19th April) to visit Stephanie so we can develop the editing and try out some layouts. The plan is we will have finished the editing, sequence, layout and graphic design by the end of this week, giving us enouigh time to get the images printed and delivered.

Back to editing!

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