Thursday 21 April 2011

Nearing the finish!!

This is a mock up of the edited images that Stephanie has completed! As a group, we are all really pleased with the outcome, the imagery, the layout and the title.

The nearer the end of the editorial, white borders are slightly thicker/wider to make the idea of being constrained the older you get and the loss of a persons creativity with age emphasised throughout.

The stylists did not seem to keen on the idea of having credits for the items of clothing and accesories that they sourced. Myself and Stephannie did not mind this at all, we are happy with or without credits, as the stylists have more experience with making editorials and if they feel the images are best without them then this is totally fine. On the first opening editorial page, the main title features centrally above the image, while the photographers and stylists names are positioned centrally at the bottom of the page as this looks most appropriate.

The options of a font were also discussed as a group to make sure everyone was happy and we all concluded with the font above as we feel it conveys the message we wanted, it seems quite personal, allowing the viewer to connect with the model in the images, knowing about age and the impact of time and the loss of creativity within our lives as we all get older.

The last tweaks of lighting and the final touches such as the addition of nail varnish in the post production stage, changes of colour, less/more make-up...for the best effects and most succesful final outcome have all been discussed since seeing this layout.

The last edits are now being done!!

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