Friday 1 April 2011

Location Vs Studio

Due to the difficulty in finding businesses that are allowing us access to enter their factory/manufacturing space to undertake a photoshoot, because of the health and safety restrictions, it has been decided that we are going to shoot our concept in the studio.

Our planned date for the photoshoot is Wednesday 16th April at the moment. This has been chosen so we can shoot before Fay returns home for the Easter holiday, do some post production work on the images (which will be minimal effects, just to create a high fashion, polished look) and get the images ordered and to arrive during Easter and ready for the project submission of Thursday 5th May.

This gives us just under two weeks to finalise all our plans.

We have booked the digital studio ME246 for next Friday (8th April) for a test shoot, to enable us to experiment with the lighting that we want, as well as poses and finalise the styling and props, if we choose to have any.

In terms of booking a camera, myself and Stephanie will probably choose to work with the Canon 5D Mk I or the Phase One Digital Back, to give us experience in the latter.

Fay and Sophie have sourced some garments and still need to find more, but they have inspirational sources that they are working from and have a clear idea on the look they want to create.

Fay has also found a model who she is in contact with in terms of availability and negotiations with a 'trade off' or payment. The chosen look of the model is tall, slim, a similar age to ourselves and with long, blonde hair.

Decisions about the hair and make-up styling will be made once the styling of outfits has been nearly completed, to ensure the whole look becomes complete and looks 'together'.

I am going to find some inspiration for the styles of lighting that we could experiment with at the test shoot and in some cases, use for the actual shoot...

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