Friday 22 April 2011

The final images!

These are the final images that are going to be printed

Page numbers have been added to give the images an editorial context as we do not have credits for the clothing and accesories.

The font of thee title has altered since I last posted, this was due to a group decision and was chosen from, a great online typeface database!! We feel the font reflects our imagery and the message we want to portray with our editorial.

Overall, I am very pleased with our final outcome and have enjoyed the project. I feel we all communicated better as a group in this project and have enjoyed working with stylists and I have been very impressed with their sourcing and researching of clothing and accesories!! I think they have done very well and should be pleased with what they have achieved. Myself and Stephanie were not too pleased with our images at the shoot and up until we had a bit of time to reflect, select our favourites individually to contribute to the group with these and start editing the chosen images. Due to the post production work, we are both now pleased with what we has been doen to the photographs and how they have all come together to create a succesful body of work.

So, off to the printers!!

We have left enough time to allow for the easter mail/post disruption and bank holidays, so as long as they arrive in excellent quality, all will be good!! :)

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