Tuesday 5 April 2011

Group Meeting

Yesterday, (Monday 4th April) we had a group meeeting to discuss our developments so far and just a general catch-up on the stages we are at, what there is still left to do and the organising of what is going to happen.

Myself and Stephanie gave the feedback on the studio situation, with only having the black background currently in the studio that was the only one available to book. Fay and Sophie agreed that we just have to see what we can do with the lighting this Friday and experiment.

Fay and Sophie brought with them the clothes that they have sourced for the shoot. Personally, I love the garments and ideas that they have and think it will be really succesful once we get the lighting that we want, our model confirmed and the make-up and hair ideas flowing to work with the styling. Once these latter ideas have been sorted, we can inform Jade (the make-up artist who we worked with last time) on the looks that we want.

Fay and Sophie are also planning on making headdresses/accesories themselves, taking inspiration from the images that they have both sourced, from designer collections to editiorial shoots. I think creating such pieces would be a great idea as it gives a personal styling touch to their images and when the photographs are in their portfolio they are perfectly reflecting their styling skills with their own pieces being shown.

The current plan is...myself and Stephanie will have plenty of images and inspiration for the lighting for Friday's test shoot, I am awaiting feedback from the technician about the white background, and getting the equipment booked and I will liase with Jade to whether she is available for the shoot. Whilst Fay and Sophie will continue to source garments and create the accesories, liase with the model and have an initial idea of the outfits that are being put together....all for Friday. Therefore, at the test shoot we can experiment with the lighting whilst either Fay or Sophie can model the clothing/outfits to get the best lighting to show the garments at their best and also experiment with the poses we want from the model and in our editorial.

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