Tuesday 5 April 2011


Now that we have the studio booked and our model nearly confirmed, I have asked Jade, the make-up artist that we used in the last project, whether she is available to do the make-up and hair styling for the Wednesday 13th April.

I am waiting to hear from her to confirm her availability.

I have found some images of make-up styles that Jade has applied to herself and photographed for her blog and these are the styles which I think would work well with the look that we are going for.

The model that we are liasing with has brunette hair, but obviously their is a possibility of wigs that could be used to change her look instantly. The most important factor of using wigs though is making sure they look relatively realistic and even if their aesthetic is not to look 'normal' they especially cannot look cheap! The platinum blonde wig that Jade is wearing aabove could be a good option as the blunt cut fringe looks very modern and angualr, which could compliment the structured styling very well! I also like the use of glitter and a hint of vivid colour used on the eyes too!

Looking solely at the eyes and cheeks, the silver shimmer looks futuristic and reminds me of metal surfaces and robotic structures. I think going for metallic colours, the main ones being silver, gold and bronze, will be the most effective to complement the rest of the styling. However, this is obviously going to be the one of the decisions for the stylists, as they will know exactly what garments and outfits are going to be used.

This mask could be an interesting idea...It could represent being/feeling constrained, or how people feel they need to put on a mask to be someone who they are not. Does education do this to people?

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