Wednesday 20 April 2011

Current editing stage

Stephanie is experimenting within the editing process and is keeping us well informed of the stage of where she is at with the imagery.

This is a mock-up layout of the chosen images and some of these images are edited:

This is a first mock up of the layout that we may use. The editorial pages appear in 'pairs' to me anyway. Page 1 and 2 have similar lighting and styling, page 3 and 4 will have similar lighting and look once edited, pages 5 and 6 are very similar in lighting and styling and also pages 7 and 8. This pairing has created a continuum look which I think is both interesting and attractive as it is breaking up the routine look of a typical editorial spread.

Comments for this layout:

"We are thinking Outfit 1, the colour tone for that is about right, we just need to fiddle with a few more things - like getting the dress to be a bit more lively, instead of dull.

Outfit 2 & 3 we are thinking of a more goldish tone, rather than blue-purple. As to bring out the gold in the glitter pants and for it to be more colourful - but not over the top. Just keeping it simple!

Outfit 5 & 6 - We think the lighting is really strong in these. I don't think we will be doing much changes to this, just regular editing and a bit of colour correctio

Outfit 7 & 8 - I know these two images aren't as dark as we wanted it to be, but we will try to make them a bit darker. But I think 5 & 6 will still be much darker... so we
may just work with the peachy colour."
Taken from the group email when myself and Stephanie sent this initial mock-up.

2nd Mock -Up:
Close up of the 1st editorial page:
As myself and Stephanie were unsure about the effectiveness and strength of the photography in Outfit 4, we considered removing this image and having the above layout. This would make our first photograph a double page spread instead of a single image. The title has initialy been made as 'tick tock' just to show a title in this place and this will not necessarily be used for the actual editorial as we do not think this title is representing our editorial to its full potential.

3rd Mock-Up:
This has the smae layout as Mock Up 2 but the slight addition of the headdress image for Outfit 4. Fay and Stephanie particularly liked this image as they felt it added something a bit different to the construction fo the editorial in terms of varying the layout and adding something that Fay made especially for the shoot. However, I felt the breaking up of the layout was effective but do not particularly like this image with the model and the positioning of the headdress and its shadows falling on her face. Sophie also agreed that the headdress would need a lot of editing to make it look good along with the other images so we have decided to move on from this idea and use our images that we all feel are stronger.

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