Wednesday 20 April 2011

Editing meeting

Today, I have driven up to Preston to meet Stephanie to go through the images and edits that we have both done independantly. From here, we discussed and liased with Fay and Sophie about the edits that have been done so far, to progress further with this look and experimented with different layouts and also showed these to the stylists.

Here are the edits that Stephanie has done so far:

Outfit 1 - Before:
and After:
I really like this gardient effect of the blue tint, I think it is very succesful as it appears modern and fairly dynamic as it shows different tones of lighting, is not flat or dull and is an image that I would expect to see in a contemporary fashion editorial such as within Vogue, for example.

Stephanie has posted the links of these images on a private group email on Facebook so all the other group members can look at them and give feedback to her, so she can progress further with the editing process. Similarly to the last practical project, Stephanie has naturally contributed the most to the editing stage as she is the most skilled out of the two of us, as the two photographers, and she also enjoys this process and stage of the project.

Some more edits:

This latter image is slightly desaturated which has been an experiment for the later images to be featured in the editorial to represent the adult, going thrugh life, with desaturated dreams and interests in contrast to the vivid, imaginative and colourful thoughts and actions of a child.

These latter two images have cool colour gradients applied to them. I am not as keen on these as I am on the plain colour tinits as I feel these gradients above have a similar aesthetic of prints from a disposable camera as if the exposure has not been used correctly. This look may be attractive in some contexts but I feel for out rimages this look does not work as well as the other edits that Stephanie has done.

Fay has cropped some of the images down to make them more succesful and therefore attractive and has also kindly emailed these to us. These can be seen here:

Cropped to focus the viewers eye more on the model's pose and the pattern
of the clothing being worn.

This crop makes the models pose more likely to be seen as the main feature of the image. I like this pose particularly from the rest of the images as I feel the pose compliments the pale tones of the clothing very well giving off a feeling of innocence. I feel the soft shadows work well to create a sense of gracefullness with the model also.

Again, the effect of the crop highlights the mixing of the colours and patterns, emphasising the creativity of a child's vivid imagination.

This crop succesfully shows the jacket and necklace to their full potential and can be placed effectively within an editorial to show the pieces nicely. The gardient of light within the background is also shown well within this crop.

Stephanie has achieved the above manipulations using a variety of the below:

adjustment layers: levels, selective colour, colour balance, gradient overlay - to adjust the lighting and apply colour tints

layers: to remove blemishes, brighten the eyes, apply highlights and shadows and do some softening of the skin texture - altering the flow and opacity of the brushes for each element for accuracy and to keep the images looking very realistic.

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